Day 14 - Scrambling

The hurricane delayed a lot of things, and most of the city is officially going back to work today. This includes daycares, my workplace, trash collection, etc. Half of beltway 8 is closed, so at 6am the traffic map was already half red. Great.

Hence, today's picture is blurry and not at all my best work, but it's a miracle I was able to get a picture at all. So this photo is the moment they just got their backpacks on and realized we were leaving. They were so excited to be going to a new school together, that they couldn't stop jumping and dancing and singing when they got their backpacks on. There were 3 adults here that morning trying to pull it all together (my husband, my mother, and me). 

The chaos and blurriness of this photo describes our morning. Lots of people just scrambling around.

